Wedding Match Astrology

Wedding Match Astrology


Hello dears, marriage suitability is an important thing in life, we go to the next level in this marriage bond. When looking for marriage compatibility, it is special to check compatibility by looking at hometown, date of birth and time of birth of both male and female. Marriage should not be concluded just by looking at the horoscope in the birth sign and how many matches there are for 10. It is more than one step to see the compatibility with the Lakanam and Jataka systems of the two.

When looking at marriage compatibility in KP method, it should be seen whether Lakina Koduppinai is good for both of them, 7 Mbhava is good for both of them. Current directions are good for both of them, whether male has a girl born in 8th house star and female has a man in 8th house star.

Also, when the bridegroom starts seeing the bridegroom, when will the bridegroom get married, which direction will the bridegroom come from, and what kind of bridegroom will be in the bridegroom's house. The prospective groom's characteristics, how the prospective groom will be, what is the educational qualification, how the prospective groom will be in the economy.

Whether he can live in a joint family or live alone, how will the groom's house structure be, whether in the town of birth or in the neighboring town, how will the groom be. Be it in a native caste or in a sub-caste in a non-caste, or in a different caste. It is better to set up the groom by clearly seeing what is the initial letter of the groom's name, whether he is first or second thara, or if the groom has a double yoga.