Numerology Name Change

Numerology Name Change


Numerology is viewed in many ways. Numerology is seen by keeping the date of birth and keeping the date, month and year of birth. According to numerology, thousands of children were born in many towns on that date. If the date of birth of the children born in such a way is suitable for renaming the child, taking the date of birth for starting a new business, these are the same as public benefits.

When we look at the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth, even though there are thousands of children born in many cities on that date, the horoscope that we can see is unique because who is the child's 3rd form Budhinathan, who is the natchatra where Budhinathan stood, who is the Upanatchatra, are their bad relationships good, when we name them like that If the child's name is seen to develop and the child's name becomes famous, then the child will not get a bad name or a bad name.

When we name to start a business, it is better to look at the individual's horoscope to see who is the 10th sign of that horoscope, Budhinathan, who is the natchatra in which Budhinathan stands, and who is the subnatchatra. Joint business means when taking a name based on the horoscope of any number of people, it is better to choose a name that fits well for everyone. Some people roughly assume that in the name of a common deity, or if the joint is placed in 46 according to me, it is good and its results are better. 46 is added to 1 which means Sun.